Saturday, April 27, 2019

Probabilities, Stratagems, and Solutions

So on, the actual probabilities of success in my game Barbarians of Academia have finally been plotted out. (Thanks to Naeddyr for the code and Ficino for actually bringing up the question)

It looks like this:

(click to expand)

Note: I rounded the numbers to get rid of decimals, as it makes it easier for me to compare. The dark bar across for the 10 row is because of a weird quirk in the rules that makes it literally impossible to roll under an 11 once you've had three or more drinks. All the other 0% squares are actually numbers that are just below 0.5%. It's still possible to roll successfully, just very unlikely.


The 11% Thing
I don't actually have a problem with this. If you've put 10% in a skill, you weren't planning on using it much anyway.

You're Better With Two Drinks Than One
Tenure is on the line. You're nervous. Of course after a couple of drinks you can relax and focus. Two-drinks-in is always the best way to approach a problem.

The Incompetence Thing
So this overall number pattern was exactly what I was going for - skills would go down as you drank more, and the chance of passing out would go up. However, I'm a little surprised by exactly how fast a score goes from good to completely abysmal.

The more I look at it though, the more I don't mind how quickly things go to hell. It kinda reinforces the overall absurdity of the premise. It's interesting to see what strategies will come out of this...

Maybe these?


You max out BRUTAL VIOLENCE at 99 and leave WITTY BANTER at 1.
You'll never convince the the T.A. or the Wealthy Alumnus to do anything, but the other Barbarians can't either, if you've already killed them.

"Kill who?" you may ask, "The NPCs or the other Barbarians?"
If you didn't realize the answer was "ALL OF THEM!" maybe this strategy isn't for you.

Remember, you don't have to convince the Dean's Wife to sleep with you, and you don't have to convince the Performance Artist to let you chop his arm off, you just spend actions. And with 99%, even with a bunch of drinks in you, you'll be a pretty well-off when it comes time to slay Yog Sothoth. Just don't kill the Dean, and don't let him see you hurt anyone. There's going to be a lot of body-hiding with this strategy.


There's a lot you can accomplish with the peaceful approach. You can talk your way into and out of a lot of stuff, just don't let the other Barbarians kill you. Stay around the Dean and you'll probably be safe until Yog Sothoth shows up. Do the rules say you can't just CONVINCE Yog Sothoth to go away? Nope. You can't change the Sorceress's mind, but it's up to your GM whether or not you can argue a pan-dimensional entity out of bringing about Armageddon.

I'd let my players try it.


Both Scores 50%, or maybe 60/40
Try to hit every goal, using both scores. You won't want to exceed 4 drinks or drop below 2. Maybe the most difficult method, but you'll have the highest number of goals you could actually achieve. I'd love to see how this strategy works out when other players are using one of the first two.


Maybe tenure isn't all it's cracked up to be. March up to the Dean and decapitate him. Fight wave after wave of Campus Security. Join up with the Sorceress - they say Yog Sothoth grants his followers powers and pleasure beyond their wildest dreams!

Is this how the game was intended to be played? Well, it wasn't not how the game was intended to be played. It's a role-playing game. Your imagination is the only limit!


You could, were you the GM, give the players more points to start out. Having the players start with 120 or 140 points to distribute at character creation would lead to a lot less whiffing once the drinks started pouring.

You could instead (or also) institute a character advancement mechanic: After a Barbarian successfully completes a goal, roll 1d10 and add that to one of their scores. Or have them add 1d10 points to a score whenever they fail a roll with it.

All of these alternatives and strategies will be included in UNEARTHED ACADEMIA: Alternative Rules For Barbarians of Academia. 


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